September Campaign 2013 - India
I found this video on about the caste system in India and how it is being erased in small communities by equalizing the water situation. Everyone has access to clean water, there are no "haves" and "have nots" which has made a big change in these communities. Could this be done in other ways around the world? In our own communities?Journals
The World’s Worst Pollution Problems:Assessing Health Risks at Hazardous Waste Sites
This document was prepared by the staff of Blacksmith Institute in partnership with
Green Cross Switzerland. It is a thorough and in depth where the worst pollution is and the health effects on the local population and what can be done about it. Input and review was provided by experts and volunteers.
The Hidden Tragedy
I choose this paper created by The Blacksmith Institute because it looks at the unequal burden inflicted on developing countries and suggests solutions for the pollution problems. Pollution is the cause of disease and lack of clean water which these countries are unequipped to handle, and should not have to.WEB PAGES
Report: Industry Pollution Almost as Deadly as Disease in Developing Countries
In this report on Industry Pollution, Beth Goodbaum examines the increasing problem of pollution in third world countries. The richer countries are polluting the poorer countries. To choose to burden and disease the poorer nations so the richer nations can prosper and play is wrong.WWF - World Wildlife Federation
I chose the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) because they not only recognize situations that need to be addressed, they also offer solutions and are actively working to make a difference. I am including two links that support this blog’s focus on pollution in communities and in business.WWF Empowering Communities
WWF supports local communities and indigenous peoples to be key stewards of the natural places they inhabit.WWF Transforming Business
WWF is helps business find sustainable substitutes for products and business practices. This part of The World Wildlife Federation speaks to alternatives that are good for businesses and the environment they are working to protect.REFERENCES LINK
Short Cite
"September Campaign 2013 | charity: water." 2008. [Video]...
"The World's Worst Pollution Problems 2012 -"...
"The Hidden Tragedy - Pollution in the Developing World"...
"Report: Industry Pollution Almost as Deadly as ...
"Empowering Communities | Initiatives | WWF."...
"Transforming Business | Initiatives | WWF."...
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