Little Boys Learn A Lot From Watching 'Star Wars,' And It Isn't All Good
This TED Talk by Colin Stokes filmed in 2012 (posted 2013) compares the strong female leads in Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz. It brings up some issues in movies that I had not considered. Possibly because I too was raised in a patriarchal system. This talk is about how we portray our girls and boys might effect them as adults. This talk is worth a listen. I hope you find this as interesting.Journals
The Role of Gender Identity in Adolescents’ Antisocial Behavior
This study by Vanesa Moreira Trillo and Lourdes MirĂ³n Redondo is very interesting. The study appears to be reliable in it’s random selection and large group of 12-18 year olds, male and female. But I find that the value of the masculine is dominant here. Does this play a more significant role than the actual gender? What do you think?Childhood Socialization and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
I chose this article by Andrew Healy and Neil Malhotra because I was initially interested in the results. However, I find that my family experience is different than the results found in this study. On page 2 the article states that "...boys with sisters are substantially less likely to have performed female-stereotyped household tasks during childhood than boys with brothers." This was not the case in my childhood family or my own family leading me to believe it is more prevalent in a patriarchal household that already holds males to be of greater value than females. I am curious about your experience in relation to this study.Web Pages
Early Gender Socialization
I chose this article on the UNICEF website, because it looks at the beginnings of gender socialization and at the judgments made as early as pregnancy regarding the value of males over females. A lifetime of stereotypes that are perpetuated by family members, teachers and others, including the different expectations for males and females instilling and confirming value of a person based on gender. The more we know about how these stereotypes are perpetuated, the better we are equipped to change.Gender Socialization
I found this page about Gender Socializaion on the Women's Center and Human Cervices Department on the University of California at Fullerton web site to be very insightful. Not only does it provide a look into how we are socialized by gender, it provides information on how to relate to the different genders. it also provide links to more information that may be helpful.REFERENCES LINK
Short Cite
"Colin Stokes: How movies teach manhood |Video on" 2013. [video]...
"the role of gender identity in adolescents' antisocial ... - Psicothema." ...
Healy, Andrew, and Neil Malhotra. "Childhood Socialization and Political Attitudes:...
"UNICEF - Early Childhood - Early Gender Socialization."...
"Gender Socialization - California State University, Fullerton."...
Hey Sandy! I just wanted to say that this was a great article all about gender socialization. I love TED talks and enjoyed listening to this one about this issues with this in some of the most popular movies. Some of the Ideas that were brought up in them I would have never even thought about! Great addition to your blog! Also, I wanted to say that the Layout and overall design of your blog looks great! It is set up in such a easy way and looks great! Nice Job.