Wednesday, November 27, 2013

About Me

Hi my name is Sandy Gale. This is my first blog. I love learning new things. Going back to college has been very rewarding for me. I initially went back just to see if my brain still worked. Guess what? It does! Yeah!

The study of Sociology has been very enlightening. Learning about how people relate to each other and their surroundings is quite an eye opener. I find it very helpful in my communications with others. I am gaining a better understanding of myself in my relationships both public and private.

I am choosing this picture of people holding hands because it shows how Sociology is about people, how they interact and connect with one another. We base our values and beliefs on what we have learned. How we relate depends upon the environment we grow up in and how we, as individuals, interpret our experience. People just want to feel connected. Sociology is about how we connect. We all start our life with the same basic need, and that is to feel a part of society.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Interracial Families

I would like to look further into how our perceptions of race affect our
perceptions and decisions. I would like to focus on mixed race families.

Gender Socialization

I would like to learn more about gender socialization. Having had three children, two girls and one boy, and having tried to raise them using as much gender neutral things. I found that there were differences that followed gender roles.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Emerging Issues in Society

I'm interested to find how sociology and emerging issues effect each other and how we can make a change. What have we learned so we can make the world a better place?

Sunday, November 24, 2013